
Adopting yield-improving practices to meet maize demand in Sub-Saharan Africa without cropland expansion

We use data collected from 14,773 smallholder fields in Sub-Saharan Africa to identify agronomic practices that can improve farm yield gains.

Agricultural diversity, farmers’ definitions and uses: The case of Tasmanian farms

(1) How do farmers define agricultural diversity and diversification? 2) How is diversification ‘used’ as a farming strategy? and 3) What incentives and barriers are currently structuring the adoption of these strategies?

Filling the agronomic data gap through a minimum data collection approach

we developed an approach that identifies sites for agronomic data collection for a given crop and country.

Investigating the effects of APSIM model configuration on model outputs across different environments

We analyzed the effects of model structural uncertainty on model outputs across soil types.

Investigating the effects of APSIM model configuration on model outputs across different environments

We discriminated the sources of model uncertainty vs output variability.

Field and in-silico analysis of harvest index variability in maize silage

Can we predict maize forage quality as a function of harvest index predictions?

Yield gaps of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in livestock systems of Argentina

Lucerne Yield Gaps in Argentina.

Drivers and constraints of on-farm diversity. A review.

Drivers and constraints of on‑farm diversity.

Assessing errors during simulation configuration in crop models – A global case study using APSIM-Potato

We assessed the errors during simulation configuration in APSIM-Potato using GxExM experiments worldwide.

Impact of crop management and environment on the spatio-temporal variance of potato yield at regional scale

We determine and quantify the main drivers of potato yield variability under irrigated conditions.

Modelling phenology to probe for trade-offs between frost and heat risk in lentil and faba bean

We model phenological variation with sowing date and cultivar for lentil and faba bean against the climatic patterns of frost and heat.

Effects of soil- and climate data aggregation on simulated potato yield and irrigation water requirement

We quantify the data aggregation effects on potato yield and irrigation requirements.

Modelling inter-annual variation in dry matter yield and precipitation use efficiency of perennial pastures and annual forage crops sequences

We compared two forage landcovers, the sequence oats-maize and pure alfalfa across a mean annual precipitation gradient.

Forage yield, water- and solar radiation-productivities of perennial pastures and annual crops sequences in the south-eastern Pampas of Argentina

We compared resource use efficiency of forage crop sequences and temperate perennial pastures.

Vertical distribution of root biomass and soil carbon stocks in forage cropping systems

We assessed the association between root biomass, C-OM, C in mineral-associated organic matter (C-MAOM), and C in particulate organic matter (C-POM) and its vertical distribution.

Modelling stover and grain yields, and subsurface artificial drainage from long-term corn rotations using APSIM

We assessed the accuracy of APSIM Classic to simulated corn yield and subsurface artificial drainage in north central Indiana US.

Modelling forage yield and water productivity of continuous crop sequences in the Argentinian Pampas

We assessed the accuracy of APSIM Classic to simulated the yield of forage crop sequences in the Argentinian Pampas.

Evaluation of Agricultural Production Systems Simulator as yield predictor of Panicum virgatum and Miscanthus x giganteus in several US environments

We evaluated the ability of APSIM to predict the dry matter yield of switchgrass and Miscanthus at several US locations.

Evaluation of the agricultural production systems simulator simulating Lucerne and annual ryegrass dry matter yield in the Argentine Pampas and south-eastern Australia

We evaluated the capacity of APSIM to simulate the growth rates and predict the dry matter yield of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in contrasting climatic regions of Argentina and Australia.