
Yield gaps of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in livestock systems of Argentina

Lucerne Yield Gaps in Argentina.

Modelling inter-annual variation in dry matter yield and precipitation use efficiency of perennial pastures and annual forage crops sequences

We compared two forage landcovers, the sequence oats-maize and pure alfalfa across a mean annual precipitation gradient.

Forage yield, water- and solar radiation-productivities of perennial pastures and annual crops sequences in the south-eastern Pampas of Argentina

We compared resource use efficiency of forage crop sequences and temperate perennial pastures.

Evaluation of the agricultural production systems simulator simulating Lucerne and annual ryegrass dry matter yield in the Argentine Pampas and south-eastern Australia

We evaluated the capacity of APSIM to simulate the growth rates and predict the dry matter yield of Lucerne (_Medicago sativa_ L.) and annual ryegrass (_Lolium multiflorum_ Lam.) in contrasting climatic regions of Argentina and Australia.