Niche - A scalable modelling tool to assess G×E×M interactions at continental scales (oral presentation)


Why?: Gap in placing new varieties into the hands of farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. What?: Test the technical feasibility of using crop modelling, satellite imagery and trial ground data to predict success/failure of a variety type in a particular region. How?: Develop a tool to optimize allocation of on-farm trials using the regional fit of the variety; given a fixed geographic area and a set of varieties: where would the trials be best located and with which variety groups per location. For whom?: Inform on-farm trial planners how to representatively sample the Target Population of Environments. Support in developing the entry list of genotypes per location. Inform and refine market segments. e.g. One Acre Fund, CGIAR, seed companies.

Nov 2, 2022 2:55 PM — 3:15 PM
Brisbane Australia
Glenelg St, South Brisbane, Australia 4101
